Beginning of the project “SEAM: Social Education of Adults through Mobility”
Seven organizational partners the European Union launched the project "Social adult education through mobility" which will be implemented over the next two years.
Seven new vocational trainings for librarians have been launched
Trainings are being funded by the "I can do more" scheme of the "Human Resources" Operational Programme and are being held in seven different towns
ICCA Launched "The Chitalishtes - An Accessible Training Place" Program
The first program activity marks the start of free of charge basic computer literacy trainings for adults in the Chitalishtes, ICCA members.
Training for persons deprived of liberty
The Client of the Key computer competencies training is National Employment Agency and Chief Directorate "Execution of Judgement".
Second transnational meeting of Erasmus+ project "Andragogy: virtual learning environment for librarians"

The progress of each partner in the project implementation has been presented during the first day. Also participants were introduced with project communication plan, promotional materials, and prototype of learning platform. In second day several workshops were conducted on the creation of the joint learning program in English. The project partners agreed to create 4 modules in English: curriculum training principles, adult teaching and learning methods, effective communication and work with librarians target audiences.
The meeting was a chance for partners to discuss about the work carried out so far, and especially ascertain everything about joint learning program in English which was the most important during this meeting. Partners also have agreed on the future steps and deadlines of the tasks related with virtual learning system structure. Now they are continuing the work on the system which will be lunched for the wider librarian community already in autumn 2017.
The next transnational meeting is planned for April 2017, in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria. All the results of the project, including the visibility and project materials will be presented at the Multiplier events in 2017.
The goal of the project is to create a virtual andragogy learning environment and training course, where training materials will be created in all partner-countries languages and English language as well, what will make an andragogy training widely available for community of the librarians internationally. Andragogy course and virtual learning environment intend to have tools and functions that would encourage a formation of international librarians‘ andragogy community and sharing of experience, ensure self-learning, lifelong learning and qualification hoisting processes. With a use of professionally developed system librarians would be able to communicate with each other, share their experience and search for partners for andragogy matters.
